We are so excited to have you as part of the Dorm Suite Dorm family! At Dorm Suite Dorm, we want to help you create and design the BEST dorm room possible. Enjoy our college tips on life and decor here in our blog. Caio.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Holiday Decor

Halloween always reminds me of costumes and decorations for the upcoming series of Holidays! Holiday decorating is so much fun, especially in a dorm room. There are so many options to embrace the holidays by decorating your dorm room. I have seen college students wrap their doors in wrapping paper (appropriate for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas) and add ribbons, bows, signs, etc. onto the door. (This is also fun for birthdays!). Pumpkins, cats, turkeys, Capricorns, Christmas trees (small ones are available to fit in your dorm at http://www.christmastrees4smallspaces.com/, http://www.target.com/gp/search/179-0483622-2072919?field-keywords=christmas+tree&url=index%3Dtarget%26search-alias%3Dtgt-index&ref=sr_bx_1_1&x=0&y=0, or http://www.acehardware.com/search/index.jsp?kwCatId=&kw=christmas%20tree&origkw=christmas%20tree&sr=1 ), Santa Clause, stockings for you and your roommate, holiday towels, decorative curtains, or rugs are all great additions to your room to prepare for each holiday. Don’t forget you can hang decorations, signs, etc from your fans or in between ceiling tiles. It can be fun to hang fabric from your ceiling or walls as well.

Another option to change the mood in your dorm room is to buy different colored light bulbs. You can visit http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Navigation?storeId=10051&categoryID=502955&langId=1&catalogId=10053&navFlow=3&searchRedirect=light%20bulbs or http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productList&Ne=4294967294&category=Light+Bulbs&N=0+4294960302 to find decorative and multi-colored bulbs for your rooms. Orange is fun for Halloween. And, red and green are festive for Christmas. Changing all your bulbs may not be good for your eyes and reading; however, changing a few will set the holiday mood!

I don’t know about you, but scents and smells always bring back memories and put me in a holiday mood along with all the decorations. Candles are obviously the first thought when I say scent; however, many dorm rooms don’t allow candles (fire hazard). So, if candles are not an option, diffusers are an awesome alternative! You can purchase diffusers at several different stores (Target, WalMart, Hallmark) or from small businesses online. Just Google diffuser and choose the scent that best matches your favorite holiday smells! It will complete your holiday-decorated room and set the perfect aroma for the holiday season.

Have fun decorating your dorm room for the upcoming holiday season!

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