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Monday, November 16, 2009

Hold on...

Hold on guys. Keep pressing on. We are in our final stretch of Fall 2009 and though everyone is anxiously awaiting Thanksgiving next Thursday (YAY!) and Christmas in 5 1/2 weeks (no one is counting :/), we must press forward with the end of the semester! Going to class and doing work is the absolute hardest at this point because as college kids, we get tired. We get burnt out and tired of doing so much work for so long. But know, it is worth finishing STRONG until the very end. When high, good grades are returned and you can put an awesome GPA on your resume to make you MUCH MORE MARKETABLE (and get a job) in this jobless market, all your hard work will pay off. I know that hole "C's get degrees" motto. But I don't agree with it. Why not be the BEST you can? Why not challenge yourself to produce quality work and build a good reputation for yourself? I started feeling really burnt out this morning so I wanted to encourage ya'll to all focus on the finish line. Don't stop before it. You must finish the race WELL. Take each day at a time. One project, presentation and test at a time. Deep breaths, lots of red bull, coffee, monsters, stress food, and late night study buddies. Find those people who you can be productive with but will keep you company late into the night (or early in the morning if that's more your style).

One of the smartest and BEST things about college life is the LONG (NEEDED) Christmas break in between Fall and Spring. Keeping this in mind oftentimes helps me finish what I have to do!

Maybe a little realistic/thought-provoking quote is appropriate!

“There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.” - Louis L'Amour (1908–1988), American writer

Somewhat negative, but good to keep in mind and SO TRUE! I like to interpret it as there always being a new challenge to conquer!

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