We are so excited to have you as part of the Dorm Suite Dorm family! At Dorm Suite Dorm, we want to help you create and design the BEST dorm room possible. Enjoy our college tips on life and decor here in our blog. Caio.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Organization is Key

As you are probably all well aware, typical college dorm rooms are pretty small. In order to maximize every square inch of your dorm room, you should plan to keep all of your clothes, shoes, purses, and personal belongings as organized as possible. From living on campus for three years, I have some organizational suggestions:

*Raise the bed, just enough to store plastic bins underneath. (You can buy risers from Target, Wal-Mart and online) I would not suggest lofting it (this makes it SUPER high). It gets really aggravating having to climb a latter in and out of bed EVERYDAY (even though you get more room space).

*Portable storage drawers and plastic bins. (Target, Wal-Mart, Office Depot, Office Max) These are great to store under your bed, in your closet (if you have the room), or in your bathroom (if not community). Clothes, shoes, hair products, make-up, anything can go in here. The drawers are great for office supplies and the big bins are great for blankets, purses or seasonal clothing, if you are far away from home.

*Shoe rack/shelves. (Target, Wal-Mart, Bed Bath and Beyond) If you are anything like me, you have a ton of shoes! I love shoes! The easiest and best way to bring them all to college is to have either a hanging shoe rack to put in your closet or a shoe shelf to hide somewhere.

*Shelving! (Target, Wal-Mart, Bed Bath and Beyond, maybe Michaels/Hobby Lobby) This is great for books, binders, notebooks or decorations. It adds something to the, usually, ugly wall and gives you more floor space.

*Second bar for your closet. (Target, Wal-Mart) This will allow you to hang your clothes on two bars instead of one.

*Labels. (Target, Wal-Mart, Michaels/Hobby Lobby) Label all of your bins, manila folders, binders, notebooks, etc. You will thank yourself later.

*Laundry bag/basket. (Target, Wal-Mart) This may be a little obvious, but you never know, some people forget this and it is so important!

*Jewelry box/other smaller bins that serve a specific purpose. Definitely have one jewelry box so you always know where your jewels are. You never know with random people around these residence halls. Other bins, (i.e. I have a basket for paychecks and day-to-day paperwork and then another basket for snacks) are important to classify together and to use efficiently.

*Food storage. Baskets/storage bins are good for fruit or other small snacks. One big shelf devoted to food also works well. You have to play around with this a little bit to make it work for your situation. (While on the topic of food, I would definitely suggest bringing a refrigerator and a microwave!!)

Please don't hesitate to email me with questions or concerns at joie@dormsuitedorm.com



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