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Friday, September 25, 2009

Be Intentional

Each semester, you as a student get to schedule the following semester's classes. Take it from me, BE STRATEGIC when you are planning your schedule. Since I am a business major, I oftentimes do not have Friday classes (which is amazing) and this weekend, I got to come home yesterday, slept late in my own bed this morning and am getting an extra day with my family. I love this part of my schedule. The weekends I don't get to come home, I can travel elsewhere for a longer weekend OR I can have an extra long, lazy weekend at my college casa. Anyways, make your schedule exactly how you want it. Sometimes classes are only offered on certain days or at certain times and this can really screw up your plan; however, for the most part, you can get it pretty close to how you want it.

Also, remember to keep into consideration if you are a morning or night person. Don't schedule yourself ALL 8:00am classes if you hate the morning!! Take classes later into the day so that you aren't miserable and can focus better. Or, if you like the morning and want to be done with class before lunch, schedule those 8:00am's! (Goodluck with them ha I hate the mornings!)

As graduation nears, I am quickly learning that this freedom of scheduling will no longer be available to me post-graduation. You might say this is ONE of the many reasons I am going to grad school next year lol So, soak up the amazingness of creating your own schedule while it lasts!!

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